::: HÍBRIDES: SMALL EMBODIED DATA : : : 28, 29, 30 November ::: HÍBRIDES: SMALL EMBODIED DATA : : : 28, 29, 30 November ::: HÍBRIDES: SMALL EMBODIED DATA : : : 28, 29, 30 November ::: HÍBRIDES: SMALL EMBODIED DATA : : : 28, 29, 30 November

Seven Manifolds
Błażej Kotowski

Algorave | Performance November 30th | 20:30 Hrs.
Sala Taro 🔗 Tickets Available
About the performance:
Our increasingly techno-dystopian reality can be seen as a web of assemblages, shaped over time by an ever-totalising ensemble of forces. Modifications often occur through reconfiguration of relationships between individual elements, but, as long as a difference is absorbed by the structure to reinforce its form, we cannot talk about a real change. True transformation requires more than any form of rearrangement — it demands a disruptive project that adds, subtracts, and reimagines, drawing a bold line of flight departing from the manifold.
Seven Manifolds exercises the idea of true change by a disruptive approach towards neural networks. Through a set of experimental network bending techniques, Kotowski performs a live dissection of models trained on his personal recordings, stretching their creative capabilities beyond mere reproduction, weaving a weird, oneiric and uncanny soundscape where the boundaries between the real and synthetic become blurred.
About the artist:
Błażej Kotowski is an artist and researcher situated at the intersection of sound, technology, and politics. His work delves into the transformative impact of new technologies on the human psyche, with a particular focus on the notion of the (cyber) sublime – an aesthetic of digital awe. Interested in the evolving relationship between humanity and technology, Błażej crafts speculative narratives that manifest as sound works, generative systems, installations, and performances. blazejkotowski.com
sevenManifolds sevenManifolds

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