::: HÍBRIDES: SMALL EMBODIED DATA : : : 28, 29, 30 November ::: HÍBRIDES: SMALL EMBODIED DATA : : : 28, 29, 30 November ::: HÍBRIDES: SMALL EMBODIED DATA : : : 28, 29, 30 November ::: HÍBRIDES: SMALL EMBODIED DATA : : : 28, 29, 30 November

Inhabiting the hybrid:
Project catalogue
Joan Soler-Adillon, Paloma González

Oral Presentation November 29th
UOC, Campus Poblenou 🔗 Free Registration
About the presentation:
Within the framework of the research project Inhabiting the Hybrid: Contributions from Artistic Research in Interactive and Immersive Media, a catalog of particularly significant artistic projects has been developed to understand how digital art has pioneered the exploration, engagement, and dialogue with the space of contact between the real and the virtual, between what is real, corporeal, and tangible, and what is digital. This is a collection of projects that outline and propose how we can relate to each other in a world where the boundary between these two realms is increasingly blurred, and it aims to do so through the world of art, in contrast to commercial and standardization-driven approaches that seek to define this space solely from a productivity perspective. The catalog we will present is a first step in establishing this dialogue from the perspective of art and creation, in order to define these spaces of contact and our relationship with them, and with each other.

Dins el marc del projecte de recerca Inhabiting the Hybrid: Contributions from Artistic Research in Interactive and Immersive Media, s’ha desenvolupat un catàleg de projectes artístics particularment significatius per entendre com l’art digital ha treballat, explorat, dialogat… de forma pionera amb l’espai de contacte entre allò real i allò virtual, entre el que és real, corpori i tangible, i el que és digital. Es tracta d’un conjunt de projectes que dibuixen i proposen com podem relacionar-nos entre nosaltres en un món on la frontera entre aquests dos móns és cada cop més difuminada, i es proposa fer-ho a través del món de l’art, en contraposició a les propostes comercials i en procés d’estandarització que busquen definir aquest espai des d’una perspectiva lligada exclusivament a la productivitat. El catàleg que presentarem és un primer pas per establir aquest diàleg des de l’art i la creació, per tal de definir aquests espais de contacte i la nostra relació amb ells, i entre nosaltres.
About the presenter:
Joan Soler-Adillon, artist and professor at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), where he leads the DARTS research group. He has previously held academic positions at Royal Holloway, University of London, and Pompeu Fabra University. His research and practice focus on interactive digital media and its manifestation in digital art, as well as the pioneering role of digital art in creating spaces of contact between the real and the virtual.

Paloma González, educator and researcher at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and a member of the DARTS research group. Previously, she has taught Design and Audiovisual Culture at institutions such as Massana, Eina, and BAU. Specializing in media art, control, and surveillance, her research focuses on the appropriation of cutting-edge technologies by creators — approached from a critical perspective.

Joan Soler-Adillon es artista i professor a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), on dirigeix el grup de recerca DARTS. Anteriorment ha ocupat posicions acadèmiques a Royal Holloway, University of London, i a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. La seva recerca i pràctica giren al voltant dels mitjans digitals interactius i la seva manifestació a l’art digital, i el paper pioner d’aquest en la creació d’espais de contacte entre allò real i allò virtual.

Paloma González, docent i investigadora a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) i membre del grup de recerca DARTS. Anteriorment, ha impartit classes de Disseny i Cultura Audiovisual en institucions com Massana, Eina i BAU. Especialitzada en media art, control i vigilància, la seva recerca se centra en l'apropiació —des d'una perspectiva crítica— de les tecnologies més innovadores per part dels creadors.

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